Patrick J. Buchanan, “Where the Right went wrong: How Neoconservatives Subverted the Reagan Revolution and Hijacked the Bush Presidency”, St. Martin Press, New York, 2004/2005.
In the 1941 diplomatic confrontation with Japan, White was activated by Moscow as an agent of influence. When Hitler scrapped his pact with Stalin with the blitzkrieg on the Soviet Union in June of 1941, Moscow feared Japan would join its Axis partner and attack Siberia. White was instructed to press his superior, Treasury Secretary Morgenthau, to urge Secretary of State Hull to reject all Japanese peace feelers and hand Tokyo on ultimatum. That ultimatum of November 26, 1941, ordering Japan out of Indochina and China, led straight to Pearl Harbour.(Excerpt)
『アメリカはいかにして日本を追い詰めたか:「米国陸軍戦略研究所レポート」から読み解く日米開戦』(Japan’s decision for war in 1941:Some enduring lessons)