




1.American Thinkerhttp://www.americanthinker.com/

3 July 2016
Japan Supreme Court decision allows blanket surveillance of Muslims
by Thomas Lifson

Japan is almost completely unbound by political correctness when it comes to Muslims. There have been no instances of Islamic terrorism there, mostly because Japan does not permit immigration without marriage to a Japanese citizen. There are some illegal aliens from Muslim counties working in Japan, but very few with families.
So the common sense notion that if you want to prevent Islamic terror, you watch Muslims for signs of trouble, is accepted popularly, and even at the highest levels of Japan’s judiciary. Thus, as the UK Independent writes (via MSN):

Japan's Supreme Court has upheld the government's blanket surveillance of the country's Muslim community.
The court struck down the second appeal by Japanese Muslim plaintiffs against what they perceive as an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy and freedom of religion.

The surveillance came to light because of a leak:

A 2010 leak of 114 police files revealed nationwide surveillance of Japanese Muslims. The files revealed that Muslim places of worship, halal restaurants and Islam-related organisations across the capital, Tokyo, were being monitored.

The plaintiffs were awarded damages of under one million dollars (90 million yen) for invasion of privacy because of the leak (not the surveillance itself). So it is a pyrrhic victory for them, leaving in place the legal mechanism for blanket surveillance based in the statistical probability that almost 100% of cases of Islamic terror are perpetrated by Muslims.
And who knows, maybe because the Koran preaches violent jihad against infidels, anyone adhering to its literal teachings is worthy of scrutiny.


・At least Japan shows some common sense...
・Japan is also, take note, very protective of its Japanese - ness. Its FUNDAMENTAL culture and rules of engagement of all peoples IN Japan.
・With strict immigration, one might suggest if so inclined, "racist" controls. on immigrants and wannabes.
・The Japanese learned long ago that resources are wasted in laying blame, but that prudence lies in identifying a problem and fixing it.
・Yes, this is a very rational move, even though they haven't undergone an Islamic terror attack they have had terrorism (the 1995 Sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway), and the jihadists look for where they have an opportunity.
・Such a move would never happen here, no matter how violent or extreme it gets, because we're hooked on "diversity" while the Japanese have unity.
Good for the Japanese.
They don't have Mooooslim jihadi attacks because they have virtually no Mooooslims. Japan is very strict, restrictive and exclusive with their immigration, which is their prerogative.
There's a lesson in there.
They ain't stupid.
Well done Japan, the nation with the craziest quiz shows seems to be the sanest in the world.
・Even though Japanese eyes are slanted, they certainly "see" better than their American and European counterparts. Japan inherently understand the insidiousness of Islam and Muslim immigration.
・Because Japan is an island, their borders should be closed to all immigration, especially middle-easterners, only allowing in those who will assimilate to their culture and laws, swear allegiance to their country and will contribute to their economy.
・Statistically the Japanese have one of the highest IQs in the world. They are highly literate and well educated. Their minds are remarkably free from the biases and stereotypes of multiculturalism and political correctness.
・I think I'm turning Japanese.
・One thing Japan has as an advantage is it is an island.
Common sense and logic something obama and the liberals democrats lack.
The Japanese are vigilant people in cultural matters and in matters of security.
・the Japanese are on the right track...
・It is simple common sense. Something that has been lacking in America for some fifty years or so.
The Japanese understand.
・Japan has a long way to go b4 it's unsustainable.
・The Japanese seem to prefer robots and AI over the 'cultural enrichment' from the Third World. Good for them.
Japanese police go out looking for illegal immigrants.
If Japan opens it borders to third world countries, it would be suicidal as they are mindless rampant breeders and generational users of social services. As this imported population becomes the majority, the Japanese eventually becomes the minority subjected to the rule of the inferior foreigners they have let in. Japan as Japan will become no more. This has happened to past advanced civilizations and currently occurring in white countries.
Japan has it right. Controlled immigration and it's own people first. But, compared to Germany, which is losing population due to demographics and is willing to increase immigration, Japan is in even a more dire situation.
・Woohooo, I'm glad I live in Japan! (22 years now)
・Muslims take advantage of freedom of religion in the host country in order to promote their own tribal rituals and supremacy.
・Since Japan favors keeping their culture Japanese, by emigrating there, you'd be doing exactly what we don't want done in our country. Just saying.
・It's a microagression even to say that the Japanese are smart because it implies there are other countries that are not as smart.
・Is it racist to say the Japanese are smarter than us? Because if it is, I'm a racist on account of, well, pointing out that the Japanese ARE smarter than us.
・The Japanese people still believe that being Japanese is a good thing, and there are no race-aliens in important positions in Japanese media, pop culture, and academia teaching Japanese youth that Japan is evil, and the Japanese people are evil, and, furthermore, that they don't even exist anyway, because "Japanese" is only a social construct. This why they might survive, while Americans are a dying nation.
Very smart move by the Japanese to protect their people from potential Muslim terrorism. I lived in Japan for 7 yrs (born on a US AFB) and have family and friends there. (They don't respect Obama.)




Japan Supreme Court Upholds Government’s Blanket Surveillance of Muslims

Pamela Geller
30 June 2016

Here is a country that is dealing with reality. There is a problem in Islam, and the reason the West is losing this war is that we will not recognize or acknowledge that problem. Japan does.
This is war, and Japan is taking appropriate measures. If you are a Muslim who rejects the Islamic texts and teachings that call for holy war, creed apartheid, gender apartheid, Islamic Jew-hatred and domination over the unbeliever, then I am sure Japan will welcome you. If not, you should not be welcome in any Western country. This is what is required when a country is at war. Any nation targeted by devout Muslims needs to adopt this measure.
A group of Japanese Muslims sued the government for invasion of privacy etc. They lost but they were were awarded \90 million ($880,000) as compensation due to violation of their privacy by the leak.
Litigation jihad.

“Japan Supreme Court Upholds Government’s Blanket Surveillance of Muslims,”
By Tiffany Gabbay, TR, June 30, 2016:

It’s a necessary “safeguard” against terrorism.
Unlike those beholden to the failed ideology of multiculturalism, some countries don’t mess around when it comes to terrorism. Japan, for instance, has no qualms whatsoever monitoring mosques, halal restaurants, and all Islamic organizations and community centers.
What’s more, Japan’s Supreme Court upheld the government’s blanket surveillance policy even after being sued. The Independent reports:

The court struck down the second appeal by Japanese Muslim plaintiffs against what they perceive as an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy and freedom of religion.
A 2010 leak of 114 police files revealed nationwide surveillance of Japanese Muslims. The files revealed that Muslim places of worship, halal restaurants and Islam-related organisations across the capital, Tokyo, were being monitored.
A group of 17 Japanese Muslims, mostly from Middle Eastern and North African countries, decided to sue the Japanese government for infringing on their constitutional rights.

[…] The Supreme Court finally dismissed the case after two appeals on 31 May. The plaintiffs were awarded \90 million ($880,000) as compensation due to violation of their privacy by the leak.
The presiding judges only focused on the actual leaking of police files which had begun circulating on the Internet. When it comes to profiling and conducting surveillance of the country’s Muslims and Islamic institutions, however, the court upheld the government’s policy as a “necessary and inevitable” safeguard against Islamic terrorism.

It’s fascinating — the left loves to embrace and even emulate other cultures until said culture stands up to Islam.


I'm shocked there are even mosques in Japan.
The Japanese Samurai spirit is largely dead, except for those who are from the Yakuza Most of the Jap youths are as libtards as the Western libtards. They have drank the Western koolaid, 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism' are the trendy things to do
Japan is proud of not being a part of PC West.
・My Japanese friend, old guy, lamented to me that their youth have become libtards
Japan (for that matter China and Korea) has cultural strength - a belief in their culture/ethnicity, unlike many western countries. There is a very strong sense of cultural preservation in Japan, both implicitly and explicitly.
Japan leading the way.
・Great News!
・I've lived in Japan for the last 30 years and I will tell you quite frankly I have absolutely no problem with this, nor does anyone I know.
Wise wise Japanese.
Most of the Jap youths are libtards, as libtards as those from the West
・Japanese Muslims mostly from North African and Middle Eastern countries. LOL, oh the irony. JP has truly started the long journey down the wrong path.
・Japanese Muslims are Japanese converts to Islam. There may be a few -- very few -- Muslims in Japan that have Japanese nationality via naturalization but I would bet you could count them on the fingers of one hand -- two at the most. Japan simply does NOT work that way. I have lived in Japan 30 years and I do not have Japanese nationality, nor would I be likely to get it if I asked for it. It is a long, extremely difficult, and time consuming process to get Japanese nationality. Note here that is the case even for foreign born persons with impeccable Japanese ancestry, as the children of immigrants to North and South America who have attempted to repatriate have discovered.
Jihadwatch recently had a story about Japanese school children being sent to a mosque in Tokyo to be propagandized by muslums.
The Japanese are very good at solving problems to their satisfaction.
・The Japanese are very famous for acting like ostrich
・When it comes to corporate and government scandals, Japan is slightly better than the planetary average for accountability.
・There are solutions to problems, the Japanese have strength of their beliefs to act.
・Of all the Asians, the Japanese are the best.
the Japanese are consistent and in their own way, fair.
The Japanese are elegant and have a taste for things European.
・One of the things that has always fascinated me about Japan is how quickly a consensus can solidify and get pretty much universal support when a catalyst appears. No matter how passionately a Japanese supports his or her position initially, once a consensus forms, even if it is radically different, he or she will shut up and get with the program.
・Nicely described, the mindset of Japanese regarding how crime reflects social failure. That is how it should be everywhere.
・It should, but it's probably only possible in nations with a very high degree of racial/cultural/linguistic homogeneity -- such as Japan.
・It also ensures that Japan will always stay Japanese.
・Each Plaintiff should have his name and location reported in all major Japanese media outlets so the Japanese taxpayers can know the recipients of their largesse.
・Japan watched Europe and their "guest worker" policies in the 80s onward and decided long ago that they were NOT going to go down that path. They had one failed experiment with a reciprocal visa agreement with Iran that was quickly terminated and forgotten.
