



48m Lily2‏@ituna4011
『わが闘争(上)―民族主義的世界観』(角川文庫) アドルフ・ヒトラーhttp://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/404322401X/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_-tnWpb0NDPK0P)が今日、届いた。この歳になってやっと、入手して読むことになった本。実は、アラビア語に訳されて、ムスリム世界で読まれているとか。実物を見ないが、本当なのか?

45m Lily2‏@ituna4011
『わが闘争(下)―国家社会主義運動』(角川文庫) アドルフ・ヒトラーhttp://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4043224028/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_KwnWpb0Y2AFY1)も同時に届いた。ざっと目を通したところでは、細かな点では同意する箇所がゼロではないが、全体として、信じられないほど反ユダヤ主義がひどすぎる。この書に左右された人類史!

40m Lily2‏@ituna4011
中央公論』 2012年 06月号 [雑誌] (http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B007TVZ5LW/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_qAnWpb0ENEBZK)を四条で購入。本当に久しぶりだが、なかなか読み応えがある。内容がすっと入ってきて、しかも興味深い。これまで、他の系統の雑誌を読む度に自分の考えが間違っているのかと思っていたが、実は違った。

38m Lily2‏@ituna4011
『自ら仕事を創造せよ』 2012年3月 (NHK仕事学のすすめ) 安藤 忠雄 (http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/414189575X/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_EEnWpb1TKC0P0)も、四条の書店で購入。安藤氏には批判も一部であるようだが、やはり魅力的な人だ。自分の手で自分の人生を切り開いてきたという自負心と実績が、魅力を醸し出している。



Mein Kampf for sale, in Arabic
by Sean O'Neill and John Steele
19 Mar 2002

AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.
The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops.
But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population.
The book, originally translated in the 1960s and revived by Bisan, a Lebanese publisher in the 1990s, has a picture of Hitler and a swastika on the cover and is selling for £10.
Although the Bavarian state government, which claims copyright in the text, has tried to stop its publication around the world, Mein Kampf became the sixth best selling book in the Palestinian Authority area.
Copies of the translation are understood to have been distributed to London shops towards the end of last year and have been selling well.
In the preface, Luis al-Haj, the translator, states: "National Socialism did not die with the death of its herald. Rather, its seeds multiplied under each star."
The book was on sale alongside newspapers, magazines, cigarettes and sweets at a newsagent's kiosk.
"People are interested in it," said the shop assistant. "It is legal to sell it. London is a free city and, anyway, he has been dead a very long time."
Andrew Dismore, Labour MP for Hendon, said the distribution of an Arabic version of Mein Kampf was "a very worrying trend" and he would be tabling questions to the Home Secretary.

2. Winds of Change


Mein Kampf a Bestseller in Turkey
by Joe Katzman
April 20, 2005

Well, it's wildly popular elsewhere in the Mideast and the Islamic world... so why not in Turkey too? Blogger Homocon notes that:
"Booksellers in Turkey are reporting soaring sales figures for "Mein Kampf," or "Kavgam" in Turkish.
Hitler's political manifesto has been a top 10 bestseller in the past two months...and at least two new Turkish language versions of "Mein Kampf" are now out in paperback.
Asked to comment on the phenomenon, government spokesman Cemil Cicek said: "There is no racism in this country." Homocon has more about Turkey's new bestseller.
A while ago, Winds of Change noted the popularity of Hitler's Mein Kampf in the Arab world. National Review did a whole article on the subject, and "Their Kampf - Hitler's book in Arab hands" is excellent. This isn't a fringe phenomenon, either... as MEMRI's translations often remind us it's a mainstream thing in government newspapers. Ahmad Ragab, a columnist for the Egyptian government paper Al-Akhbar, is only one example among many opinion-makers to "give thanks to Hitler, of blessed memory," and whose only expressed regret is that Hitler had not murdered every last Jew. There are many other examples.
A while back, a blogger observed that the great question of our time is whether the Arab/Islamic world can reconcile with tolerance and modernity - and noted that nobody knows the answer. Still true, on both counts.
・UPDATE: A small glimmer of light. After getting a lot of press attention in Europe, Turkey banned the second printing of the Turkish translation.


ということは、アラビア語トルコ語の『わが闘争』が、ムスリム世界でベストセラーに数えられるのですね?だからこそ、2006年11月末のクアラルンプールでのコンラート・アデナウアー財団による宗教間対話の会合で、西洋側が批判的に"Mein Kampf"を引用されていたのですね(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itunalily/20111217)。それならば、日本語訳の場合と、状況が全く異なります。







